Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Element: Moronblogroll

I'm compiling a list of Official Ace of Spades Moronbloggers, so that we can all harass each other on all our blogs.

I'm sure I've only scratched the surface, but I'll be adding more as I see them and are suggested to me.

Other questions and comments? Um, comment.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Hey, why don't you get a moronblog over on I'm highly amazed that I'm at the top
-gurk as his anonymous self

Some Guy said...

I did, actually; it's a placeholder until Pixy gets the transfer-whatever working. (And between now and then, I'll be tweaking and prepping, hopefully.)

Yeah, I thought that having reverse alphabetical order was more moronesque than the normal way.