Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday Krauthammer- Catchup Edition

Well, I missed Charles Krauthammer's last column, which was about the Case of "Scooter" Libby, and it's worth reading as a kind of summation of the case and its history. (Personally, while I followed the story, I wasn't really engaged, and now that Libby's been convicted, I care even less.)

Today, though, he discusses Vice President Dick Cheney-- or more accurately, the Left's view of him, and again, it's well worth reading. (Remember, the term BDS- Bush Derangement Syndrome- was originally Krauthammer's.)


Nice Deb said...

"(Remember, the term BDS- Bush Derangement Sysndome- was originally Krauthammer's.)"

I did not know that. I had always assumed it was Michelle Malkin.

Some Guy said...

Yup. Here's Wikipedia's article, which unfortunately mentions St. Andrew of the Eternal Heartache:

December 5, 2003. The column is a classic.